Health Care in Guadalajara, Women’s Clinic Near Me, Obgyn Ginemed

Women’s health care in Guadalajara, Obgyn Ginemed: Women’s Clinic Near Me, we have the best professional and friendly care in the field of gynecology in the Guadalajara area

We are dedicated to providing the best obstetric care, from the planning of pregnancy, through the prenatal care, and extends until the birth of the long awaited baby.

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Pre-conceptional counseling

A visit with your trusted gynecologist is important to plan a pregnancy in time. This consultation gives suggestions and recommendations for having an optimal conception (gynecological review, multivitamins, identification of risk factors, pre-conceptional examinations).

Pregnancy test
Active prevention of preeclampsia

There are techniques and processes that can partially predict the possibility of developing preeclampsia during pregnancy. A combination of identifying risk factors and performing a doppler ultasonide of uterine arteries can help your gynecologist identify patients with this risk at the beginning of pregnancy.

Advanced prenatal control

At GineMed we have an advanced pregnancy control with premium facilities that will make you feel at home, not in an office. Follow-up of these prenatal checkups is important to evaluate pregnancy well-being, your baby’s growth, and identifying pregnancy-related complications.

First trimester ultrasonographic screening

In this ultrasound review that is performed between 9 and 13 weeks, we can identify alterations that are related to the possibility of the baby having Down syndrome among other genetic syndromes, so it is strongly recommended that this study be performed in all pregnant women.

Triple marker for the first quarter

The first trimester ultrasound supplement is taking specific hormone tests that can more certainly identify your baby‘s genetic alterations.

Second level or structural ultrasound

It is a special ultrasound recommended in all pregnant women, which is performed thoroughly to identify congenital malformations of the unborn baby, by performing an expert review of each fetal organ.

Fetal doppler ultrasound

Fetal doppler provides information about the speed and characteristics of blood flow in the baby’s circulatory system, providing important information about his or her well-being.

Third- and fourth-dimensional ultrasound

It is an ultrasound study in which the facial features of the baby can be clearly observed.

Fetal wellness tests (Stress-free test, Biophysical profile, Fetal doppler)
Fetal DNA in maternal blood (NACE)

In special cases, when genetic problems are suspected in the unborn baby, this special test can be performed without compromising pregnancy by taking a sample of maternal blood and by special processes identifying fetal DNA, without taking it from the baby.

Psychoprophylactic courses

At GineMed, we have weekly courses of psychoprophylactic information and advice and other topics, provided by our specialists, aimed at our patients and at no cost.

Stem cell collection at birth
Friendly birth delivery

At GineMed, our gynecologists are convinced of the benefits of natural childbirth, and we serve it in a friendly way, that is to say with the least possible intervention, leaving the natural process of childbirth with the reduction as much as possible of the discomfort and pain from the contractions, so our patients live an extraordinary experience at the birth of their babies.

Cesarean delivery care

Sometimes, leaving the progression of a natural birth leads to important maternal but especially fetal risks that must be taken into account in the decision to perform a cesarean section. GineMed patients undergoing cesarean section are treated with the most modern anesthesia and surgical techniques for early recovery.


At GineMed we are dedicated to the well-being of women

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  • High-specialty gynecologic consultation.
  • Experts on female genital infections.
  • Gynecology checkups with the latest technology.
  • Colposcopy Clinic.
  • Fertility clinic.
  • Breast Clinic.
  • High-specialty contraception.
  • Experts in HPV diagnosis and treatment.
  • GYN Laser.
  • High-resolution ultrasound.
  • Treatment for female urinary incontinence.
  • High-complexity laparoscopic gynecological surgery.
  • Diagnostic and surgical hysteroscopy.
  • Climacteric and menopause.
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High Specialty Contraception

Gineco Obstetricia Guadalajara health care in guadalajara Health Care in Guadalajara ginecologia planificacion1 300x225It consists of informing, planning and using some method recommended by a health professional (ideally gynecologist) to control the number and succession of pregnancies that you want to have, this helps women improve their health, that of their children and that of the family in general. Family planning is a totally voluntary decision and is necessary for women to choose when, how many and how long they will have children.

At GineMed, with our team of gynecologists we provide personalized service and provide quality advice, of course, respecting the human and reproductive rights of the user. Family planning is an important strategy in the achievement of sexual and reproductive health and its objective is only men and women gain knowledge about methods and services of the widest variety to regulate their fertility in congruence with their reproductive objectives.

Pregnancy Symptoms

At GineMed we have high quality standards designed for superior gynecological care with the values of empathy, professionalism, commitment and ethics, which is why all our physicians including gynecologists, anesthesiologists, intensive pediatricians and neonatologists, nutritionists, midwives and nurses have certifications in place in your area.

Píldora de emergencia Guadalajara | Ginecólogas en Guadalajar

Ginecología en Guadalajara | Obstetricia y nutrición prenatal Guadalajara

Pediatría en Guadalajara | Radiología en Guadalajara

Píldora de emergencia Guadalajara | Ginecólogas en Guadalajara

Ginecología en Guadalajara | Obstetricia y nutrición prenatal Guadalajara

Pediatría en Guadalajara | Radiología en Guadalajara

Health Care in Guadalajara

Women’s Clinic Near Me

Health Care in Guadalajara: it has the best professional medical team specialized in Gynecology and Obstetrics, care and high quality standards with the best Gynecologists in Guadalajara. We are dedicated to serving our patients in the most comfortable and efficient way, with a group of Gynecologists specializing in Women’s Clinic Near Me Obstetrics and Gynecology hand in hand with ideal facilities for this purpose, with the highest technology in studies and equipment for the detection of anomalies and treatment of diseases or stages of pregnancy. We have extensive experience and experience in the different areas where we intervene, we have Certified Gynecologists in all specialties to provide maximum excellence and quality in our services.

Guadalajara Women’s Clinic

Obgyn Ginemed

Health Care in Guadalajara: GineMed Women’s Clinic, GineMed Gynecologists in Guadalajara You are pregnant, Obstetrician Gynecologist, Pregnancy symptoms, Ovulation in Guadalajara, Fertilization

Gynecologist Obstetrician

Women’s health center

You want to attend a consultation, we show you our specialized services. Ginemed offers the best services in Obstetric Gynecology, Minimal Invasion, Colposcopy, Prenatal and Pregnancy Control, Medical Check Up, HPV Treatment, Gynecology and Obstetrics. Health Care in Guadalajara

United healthcare providers

Gynecologists GDL Ginemed

Our main objective is to provide specialized service and care to all our patients, with high technology in comfortable facilities, so that each patient is treated in the most optimal way. Health Care in Guadalajara, GineMed Clinic of Gynecologists in Guadalajara. medical tourism, health care, united healthcare providers, women’s health center, women’s clinic near me.

women’s clinic near me

women’s health care in GDL

Obgyn in Guadalajara: In case of presenting any ailment, poor health, anomalies, conditions or any symptom that limits or prevents daily tasks, go to any of our specialists, we have the best Gynecologists in Guadalajara, they will attend you and study for determine the causes of the symptoms that you present and the opportune treatment to mitigate diseases. Women’s Clinic Near Me

Medical Tourism GDL

Obgyn in Guadalajara, Clinic of Gynecologists in Guadalajara specialists in Obstetrics Gynecology, Minimal Invasion, Colposcopy, Prenatal Control and Pregnancy, Medical Check Up, HPV Treatment, Gynecology and Obstetrics. GineMed Clinic for Women’s Care. Gynecologists in Guadalajara

Ginecólogas en Guadalajara, Píldora de emergencia Guadalajara, Ginecología en Guadalajara, Obstetricia y nutrición prenatal Guadalajara, Pediatría en Guadalajara, Radiología en Guadalajara, Sintomas de embarazo, Ovulacion, Fecundacion

Gineco Obstetricia Guadalajara Guadalajara health care in guadalajara Health Care in Guadalajara pastillas10 300x240

A contraceptive method is one that prevents an unplanned pregnancy, giving a woman the opportunity to plan her life and fertility.
There are 2 large groups of contraceptives: Non-hormonal and hormonal. Within the first group (which is the least effective) the rhythm, interrupted intercourse and condom (condom) are considered. In the hormonal contraceptive group there are several forms of application such as pills, injections, vaginal rings, patches, implants and devices.

All contraceptives can cause unwanted effects, so it is very important that the woman who wants to start using them come with her gynecologist to recommend the most appropriate one according to her age, history, weight, time of contraception.

These contraceptives are mainly recommended for women who want to avoid pregnancy for periods of less than 2 years. The different options that can be suggested by your gynecologist at GineMed are:

  • Conceptive pills.
  • Vaginal ring.
  • Birth control.
  • Monthly or bimonthly hormonal information.

High specialty contraceptives represent the latest technology to prevent unplanned pregnancies. In several European countries they are the most cutting-edge and most widely used methods. At GineMed we have the most modern, comfortable and safe methods for the contraception of our patients. All of these methods last 3 to 5 years and do not influence fertility in the future. Some of the methods your gynecologist will recommend as the most effective are:

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  • Kyleena
    It is an intelligent intrauterine system that progressively releases a single hormone into the uterus, which can prevent pregnancy for up to 5 years.
    – The most advanced and modern in contraception.
    – Highly effective in preventing unwanted pregnancies.
    – Extremely discreet.
    – Improves menstrual periods.
    – Duration up to 5 years.
    – Less cost in 5 years than any other method.
Más Información

Implanon NXT
El Implanon NXT, también llamado “el chip anticonceptivo” es un implante sub-dérmico que se coloca debajo de la parte interna del brazo, prácticamente invisible y sumamente discreto. Está recubierto con una medicamento hormonal único que tiene una liberación progresiva y controlada durante un período de 3 años.
– Fácil de colocar.
– Se puede aplicar en cualquier día (no es necesario estar en días menstruales).
– Altamente eficaz para evitar embarazos.
– Discreto.
– Cómodo.
– Menor costo considerable que 3 años de anticonceptivos en pastillas.

Pregunta a tu ginecóloga sobre el implante sub-dérmico.

El Jadelle, es un implante sub-dérmico doble que se coloca debajo de la parte interna del brazo, prácticamente invisible y sumamente discreto. Está recubierto con una medicamento hormonal único que tiene una liberación progresiva y controlada durante un período de 5 años.
– Fácil de colocar.
– Se puede aplicar en cualquier día (no es necesario estar en días menstruales).
– Altamente eficaz para evitar embarazos.
– Discreto.
– Cómodo.
– Menor costo considerable que 5 años de anticonceptivos en pastillas.