Ginemed Studios with Colposcopy

Colposcopy is a complementary study to the Pap smear, which gives an extraordinarily greater confidence of diagnosis when all 2 tests are performed annually compared to women who only have a Pap smear. At GineMed we have expert colposcopists in the field who are dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of genital diseases caused by HPV.


Offered at the Gine-Med Colposcopy Clinic are:

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  • Typing of papillomavirus by PCR.
  • Conconventional, liquid-based cervical cytology.
  • Colposcopy and vulvoscopy.
  • Directed cervical biopsy.
  • Endocervical brushing.
  • Local immune treatment for condylomatosis.
  • Local chemical treatment for dysplasias.
  • Laser photovaporization ablation of dysplasia.
  • Radiofrequency vaporization ablation of dysplasias.
  • Radiofrequency cervical conization.
  • Comprehensive treatment of vulvar condyromatosisis (warts).
  • Identification and treatment of HPV injuries to male genitalia.
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Colposcopy is a test that allows you to see the surface of your cervix or cervix enlarged. It is used to identify early potential lesions known to be precursors to cancer or already cancerous lesions. It also allows biopsies of the suspicious areas to be studied later in the laboratory, or to remove these lesions thus solving the problem.
When should a colposcopy be done?
A colposcopy is usually done when a woman has a cervical cytology that detects abnormal cells that may be cancer or precursor of cervical cancer. It is considered the second stage of cervical cancer screening after cervical cytology. This test is sometimes requested when the doctor suspects cervical pathology after a gynecological examination.

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Colposcopy is done by a special microscope called a colposcope. Through the colposcope, the cervix can be seen at the end of the vagina very enlarged. During the test, the woman is placed face-up on a special stretcher with her legs separated. A speculum is inserted to separate the vaginal walls. The doctor looks at the cervix and stains its surface with different fluids, such as acetic acid or lugol, to highlight areas where abnormal cells may be present. These suspicious regions can be biopsied for further study or sometimes eliminated in their entirety. They are taken with tweezers or, if there are no visible lesions, the inside of the cervix is gently brushed to take a sample. Sometimes the suspicious area can be treated with different instruments (by means of heat, cold, removal of the lesion, etc.). Complications of colposcopy are extremely rare, and the risk of infection is very low. It is not a painful test, and the introduction of the speculum is usually not bothersome if the woman is relaxed. A slight stinging may be felt when the doctor stains the neck with acetic acid or lugol to highlight abnormal areas. In addition, you may notice some slight pinching or cramping in the pelvic region if biopsies are taken or treatment is done on your neck.

Obgyn Ginemed

GineMed Women’s Clinic

Obgyn Ginemed: it has the best professional medical team specialized in Gynecology and Obstetrics, care and high quality standards with the best Gynecologists in Guadalajara. We are dedicated to serving our patients in the most comfortable and efficient way, with a group of Gynecologists specializing in Obstetrics and Gynecology hand in hand with ideal facilities for this purpose, with the highest technology in studies and equipment for the detection of anomalies and treatment of diseases or stages of pregnancy. We have extensive experience and experience in the different areas where we intervene, we have Certified Gynecologists in all specialties to provide maximum excellence and quality in our services.

Women’s Health Center in Guadalajara

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United healthcare providers in GDL

Women’s health center

You want to attend a consultation, we show you our specialized services. Ginemed offers the best services in Obstetric Gynecology, Minimal Invasion, Colposcopy, Prenatal and Pregnancy Control, Medical Check Up, HPV Treatment, Gynecology and Obstetrics. Obgyn Ginemed

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Gynecologists GDL Ginemed

Our main objective is to provide specialized service and care to all our patients, with high technology in comfortable facilities, so that each patient is treated in the most optimal way. GineMed Clinic of Gynecologists in Guadalajara. medical tourism, health care, united healthcare providers, women’s health center, women’s clinic near me.

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Obgyn in Guadalajara: In case of presenting any ailment, poor health, anomalies, conditions or any symptom that limits or prevents daily tasks, go to any of our specialists, we have the best Gynecologists in Guadalajara, they will attend you and study for determine the causes of the symptoms that you present and the opportune treatment to mitigate diseases. Women’s Clinic near me

Gynecologists in GDL

Obgyn Ginemed GDL, Clinic of Gynecologists in Guadalajara specialists in Obstetrics Gynecology, Minimal Invasion, Colposcopy, Prenatal Control and Pregnancy, Medical Check Up, HPV Treatment, Gynecology and Obstetrics. GineMed Clinic for Women’s Care. Gynecologists in Guadalajara